How to Make Witch Lollipops

Published: October 19, 2021 · Updated: March 2, 2024 by Sacha — This post may contain affiliate links. Read our full disclosure.

This adorable lollipop witch craft is the perfect way to extend the fun after the trick-or-treating is done! Simply grab some tissue paper, ribbon and construction paper, and you’ll be well on your way to making this easy Halloween craft that kids are sure to love.

Witch lollipop craft for kids.

Welcome to article number 6 of 7 in this series of Halloween lollipop crafts! I can’t believe we’re only missing one more craft to complete the set.

I love all of the lollipop we’ve been making, but the witch is one of my favorites. It looks so friendly and cute!

That being said, the hat can be a little tricky to make. So if you’re crafting with young kids, I recommend making that part for them.

You can also try a simpler project like lollipop ghosts or jack-o’-lantern lollipops—our five-year-old had a blast with them!

But if your kids are older or you don’t mind helping them, consider giving this project a try. You may even feel inspired to create a complete set of Halloween lollipops like we did!

Required Materials

Here are the supplies you’ll need to turn a lollipop into a witch for Halloween:

Supplies to make a witch lollipop.

How to Make a Lollipop Witch (Step-by-Step)

1. Cut Tissue Paper

Use scissors to cut two squares of green tissue paper. The sides of the squares should be about 4-6 inches in length.

Don’t worry about making the squares perfect. They’ll be folded over anyway, so no one will know the difference.

Since they didn’t have to be perfect, I chose to cut both squares at the same time by layering the tissue paper.

2. Secure Tissue Paper

Place a downward-facing lollipop in the center of the tissue paper squares.

Downward-facing lollipop on green tissue paper squares.

Holding the lollipop in place, bunch up the tissue paper and use purple curling ribbon to secure it. Try to make sure one of the stretches of tissue paper doesn’t have too many wrinkles—this will make it easier to draw a face during the next step.

Lollipop wrapped in green tissue paper.

Once the tissue paper is secured, you can use the scissors to curl the ribbon if you wish.

3. Draw Face

Use a permanent marker to draw the vampire’s eyes and mouth. I recommend using an ultra fine point marker to allow for more precision.

Lollipop witch with face draw on the tissue paper.

4. Create Witch’s Hat

Use a pencil to trace a circle (for the base of the hat) and a part-circle on black construction paper.

For the part-circle, you can start by tracing a larger circle than the first, then cutting it in half and removing a sliver equivalent to about ⅛ of the full circle (or ¼ of the half-circle), as pictured below.

Black paper cut into the shapes needed for the hat (circle and semi-circle).

5. Assemble Witch’s Hat

Use a small piece of adhesive tape to roll the part-circle into a cone and hold it in place.

Then, trace a smaller circle inside the base of the hat, cut it out with scissors, and make small incisions on the inside edges of that circle.

Paper base & cone for witch hat.

Bend the edges inward. Then, use school glue to glue those edges to the inside of the construction paper cone.

Liquid school glue added to base of witch hat.

Once the glue dries, the witch’s hat will be ready!

Finished construction paper witch hat.

6. Glue Hat to Witch’s Head

Once the hat is done drying, use more school glue to glue the rim of the hat on top of the witch’s head.

Finished witch lollipop craft for kids.

Let the glue dry, and you’re done! The witch was perhaps our second favorite of this series, after the monster lollipops.

Related Halloween Lollipop Crafts

Looking for more fun ways to decorate your lollipops for Halloween? Check out these articles:

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