Best Homemade Jell-O Play Dough

Stack of 5 colourful balls of play dough next to a box of strawberry Jell-O.

Your little ones are sure to love this easy homemade Jell-O play dough that is not only super soft and stretchy, but also smells amazing! Use different flavours of Jell-O …


Rose Petal Play Dough

Stack of 3 balls of rose petal play dough beside a red rose.

Did you get roses for Valentine’s Day? Instead of letting them die, use them to make a batch of rose petal play dough. This lovely homemade play dough recipe is …


Chocolate Play Dough

Brown play dough cut into the shape of a flower using a white cookie cutter.

Making your own play dough at home is both easy and cost-effective! This DIY chocolate-scented play dough smells incredible, feels softer than store-bought and it’s safe for little ones who …


The Craft-at-Home Family